We specialize in converting Textbook into Animated videos with local language support. A plethora of Virtual Automated solutions for Schools, Students, Teachers & Parents to address the LEARNING SYSTEM, ONLINE MEETING, As well the SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM at ONE STOP SHOP
Tutor Brahma is an integration of Learning Management System along with School ERP solutions, as well as an exclusive Tutor-Meet tool at one stop shop. All these solutions helps in digitizing, automating the Management process as well as compliment the virtual learning methods.

Our Animated Textbooks : Exclusively designed and crafted after an extensive research & experiments on the passion & behavioral patterns of several students, teachers, parents & schools. Their needs, experiences & expectations

Tutor Brahma’s ERP Solution is the most trusted e-governance ERP provider based in India. A close experience with prestigious educational institutes including autonomous and MHRD governed and funded Institutions such as NITs, IIIT, central universities, has helped our team members understand the educational framework and integrate best practices into the School/ campus/Institutions management solutions.

Built on the foundational principles of Innovation, Compliance, Data Security, and Transparency, our ERP products are time tested and proven to streamline institutional work processes & save time to improve efficiency of all kind of Institutions.

Tutor Brahma was started with the Aim of Providing the best education at the most affordable pricing and to make learning fun & engaging.

With Tutor Brahma, children will enjoy learning any subject. It is not easy for a school to cater to student's individual needs. Hence, daily tuition or brushing up of text books is very important for every student. However, learning is individual centric. Children have different learning curves and prepare at different phase and grasping. Individually focused, self-motivated learning outside of school hours is required.

Tutor Brahma provides Animated Video Textbook which are designed by experts and designed for easy understanding. The animated Video Textbooks helps students to understand concepts instead of memorizing. Thus helping children understand the concept with ease and get high scores.

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Why TutorBrahma?

It is not easy for a school to cater to student's individual needs. Hence, daily tuition or brushing up of text books is very important for every student. However, learning is individual centric. Children have different learning curves and prepare at different phase and grasping. Individually focused, self-motivated learning outside of school hours is required.

Our Benefits


Improved Curiosity


Learning is Fun


Concept oriented Learning


Remember with Understanding


Test your skills

Tutor Brahma Characters Introduction

Core Team

Padma Priya

Priya, Co-founded and Promoted the company in 2019 to focus on providing High quality education at the most affordable pricing and is responsible for the overall operations of the organization with more than 20 years experience in the field, prior to setting up TutorBrahma, held various roles at Erricson, Microsoft and Microland in South India and for a brief period was setting up and managing IT Processes

Suresh Babu

Suresh Babu . Co-Founded and Promoted the Company has over 25 years of experience in the IT Industry in various roles of Technical and IT Infrastructure. He has been instrumental in setting up IT Infrastructure at TutorBrahma.. Along with TutorBrahma, he is running SourceBreak a IT Infrastructure company and Cyberwall a Firewall Company. Prior to SourceBreak held various roles at Marketics and WNS for a brief perioud of time.

Ram Prasanna
Chief Information Officer

RamPrasanna as the CIO of TutorBrahma is responsible for Creating the Contents of the organization. With more than 18 years of experience, he has a widespread knowledge of the IT industry and its dynamic business trends. Ram jjoined TutorBrahma in 2019 .

Prithvi Gowda
Chief Marketing Officer

Prithvi Gowda has over 15 years of experience in Business Development & Solution Consultancy in the IT Infrastructure space. He has extensive knowledge on a wide range of products and advanced technologies. . He has been instrumental in setting up the Sales and Marketing team at TutorBrahma and currently is the CMO of TutorBrahma

Chief Technical Officer

Vijay heads Technical operations of TutorBrahma. He comes with rich experience of IT Infrastructure technologies and Services and has been instrumental in setting up the IT Infrastructure. Vijay plays a pivotal role in the team and related work.

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