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CBSE 8th Grade Science

Central Board of Secondary Education

Animated Video CBSE Syllabus 8th Grade Science

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Language: English

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CHAP 1 : CROP PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT :  Introduction for Agriculture and Crop production, Agricultural Practices, Basic practices of crop production, list of agricultural practices, preparation of soil , agricultural implements, Seed Selection, Sowing, Traditional tools, Seed drill, Adding manure and fertilizers, conducting experiments on growing seedlings with manure and fertilizers, Diff between fertilizers and manure, crop rotation, advantages of manure, Irrigation, source of irrigation, traditional methods of irrigation, modern methods of irrigation, Protection from weeds, weedicides, Harvesting, Threshing, Harvesting Festivals, Storage, Food from animals, Animal husbandry.

CHAP 2 : MICROORGANISM FRIEND AND FOE : Introduction to Micro Organism, Classification of Micro Organism, Habitat of Microorganism, Viruses, Types of Viruses, Friendly Microorganism ,  Nitrogen Fixation, Nitrogen Cycle, Commercial use of Microorganisms, Fermentation, Medicinal use of Micro Organism, Antibiotics, Vaccines, Harmful microorganisms, Diseases due to microorganisms on animals, plant and human beings, Soil Fertility, Cleaning Environment, Food Poisoning, Food Preservation, Methods of Food Preservation.

CHAP 3 : SYNTHETIC FIBRES AND PLASTICS : Introduction to fibres, Types of Fibres, Synthetic Fibres, Rayon, Nylon, Activity for Nylon, Polyester and Acrylic, Characteristics of Synthetic Fibres, Experiment on Natural and Synthetic Fibres, Introduction on plastics, Types of plastics, plastics on material choice, plastics and environment, recycling of plastic.

CHAP 4 : MATERIALS OF  METALS AND NONMETALS : Introduction to metals and non-metals, Physical properties of metals and non-metals, Chemical properties of metals and non-metals(a), Chemical properties of metals and non- metals(b), uses of metals and non-metals.

CHAP 5 : COAL AND PETROLEUM : Introduction on Natural Resources and Man made Resources, Classification of Natural Resources (Exhaustible and inExhaustible resources) and their Examples, Examples for Exhaustible Resources, Fossil fuels, Coal, Story of coal, Products of coal, (coke,coal tar, coal gas), Introduction on petroleum, Refining of petroleum, Introduction on Natural Gas, Limited Natural gases, uses of Oil in Daily life.

CHAP 6 : COMBUSTION AND FLAME : Introduction on Combustion, Combustible and Noncombustible Substances, Air Essential for Burning, Ignition Temperature, Control of Fire,History of Matchsticks, Types of Combustion, Introduction on Flame, Structure of Flame, Zones of Candle Flame,  Introduction on Fuels, Fuel Efficiency, Burning of fuels, Global Warming.

CHAP 7 : CONSERVATION OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS : Introduction Conservation of plants and animals, Deforestation,Causes of Deforestation, Consequences of Deforestation, Storage of forest products, Introduction on forest and wildlife, Biosphere reserve,Biodiversity, Flora and Fauna, Endemic species, Intro- wildlife sanctuary,zoo National parks, Biosphere reserves, Red data book, Migration, Recycling of paper, Reforestation.

CHAP 8 : CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION : Introduction and Discovery of cells, shape and size of cell, Number of cells, Structure and Functions of cell, Parts of cell, Parts of Cells, Diff between Animal and Plant Cell.

CHAP 9 : REPRODUCTION IN ANIMALS : Introduction Reproduction in Animals, Modes of Reproduction, Sexual Reproduction, Male Reproductive Organs, FemaleReproductive Organs, Fertilization, Development of Embryo, Viviparous and Oviparous, Younger ones to Adults, Asexual Reproduction, Binary fission, Story of dolly the clone.

CHAP 10 : REACHING THE AGE OF ADOLESCENCE : Introduction on Adolescence and puberty, Physical changes of puberty, Changes during Adolesence, Secondary Sexual Characters, Development of Reproductive organs, Reproductive phase, Ovulation, Fertilization, Menstruaton, Sex Determination, Harmones other than sex harmones, Role of harmones in life history of insects and frogs, Good health and habits, Reproductive health, Myths, Taboos, do's and don'ts.

CHAP 11 : FORCES AND PRESSURE : Introduction on Force- a push or a pull, Forces due to an Interaction, Exploring forces, Force changing the state of motion, State of motion, Force changing the Shape of object, Kinds of forces(Contact and non-contact forces), Types of force, Friction, Force of friction, Magnetic force, Electrostatic force, Gravitational force, Introduction on Pressure, Pressure exerted on Liquids and gases, Atmospheric pressure.

CHAP 12 : FRICTION : Introduction On Friction, Force of friction, Factors affecting Friction, Activity, Friction- A necessary Evil, Friction is useful, Friction is not useful, Increasing and Reducing Friction, Wheels reduce Friction, Activity, Types of Friction, Fluid Friction, methods to reduce friction.

CHAP 13 : SOUND : Introduction on Sound, Sound produced by Vibrating body, Musical Instruments, Sound produced by humans, Sound needs a medium, sound waves, Activities, How we hear sound, Amplitude,Time period, Frequency. Loudness and pitch, Audible and Inaudible sounds, Noise and music, Noise pollution, Harms of Noise Pollution, Measures to control Noise pollution.

CHAP 14 : CHEMICAL EFFECTS OF ELECTRIC CURRENT : Introduction on chemical effects of Electric current, Good and poor conductors of electricity, Do liquids conduct electricity, Chemical effect on Electric current, (Activities), (Activities) on Chemical effect of electric current, Good and poor conductors of liquid, Cautions on activities, Chemical effects of electric current, on solids, liquids and other materials., Electroplating, Activity on electroplating, Applications of chemical effects of electric current.

CHAP 15 : SOME NATURAL PHENOMENA : Introduction and story of Lightning, Lightning Safety, Do's and Don'ts on thunder strom, lightning conductors, Types of charges and their interaction, Transfer of charges, Activities, Introduction on earthquakes, Causes of earthquake, Activities, Protection against earthquake, Activities.

CHAP 16 : LIGHT : Introduction on Light, What makes things visible, How Light travel, Laws of Reflection, Regular and Diffused Reflection, Plane mirrors, Multiple images, Kaleidoscope, Depression of Light, What is inside our eyes, How to take care of eyes, Activity on blindspot, Persistence of Vision, Defects in eyes, Care of eyes, Eyes of diff Animals, Visually Impaired persons, Braille System.

CHAP 17 : STARS AND SOLAR SYSTEM : Introduction on sky,celestial objects, The Moon, The Moon's Surface, The Stars, Speed if Light,Constellations,The Solar system, The planets,Rotation of earth, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Earth rotation on a tilted axis, mars,Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune,Some other members of the solar system, asteroids,Comets, meteors and meteorites,Artificial Satellite.

CHAP 18 : POLLUTION OF AIR AND WATER : Introduction on Pollution, Air Pollution and Water Pollution, Air pollutants and their sources, Depletion of ozone layer, Effects of Air Pollution, Acid Rain, Acid Rain Effects, Greenhouse effect, Global Warming, measures taken for Air pollution, precautionary measures to prevent Air pollution, Water Pollution, Uses of water, Sources of water pollution,Reasons for water pollution, Potable water, Ways to control water pollution.




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